Premium promo upgrade

Casting directors continue to search our website….Commercial auditions are frequently done from the website links. The Acclaim website had more than 2,000,000 hits last year!

The Premium Upgrade Includes:

  • Downloadable Headshot and Resume (Printer Ready) no matter where you are on the road.
  • Unlimited Photos and Resume
  • Unlimited Video/Demo Reels
  • Unlimited Audio and Voice Demos
  • Digital Submissions to clients (photos and/or video/audio auditions)
  • National Marketing
  • Talent profile access and updating
  • Direct Booking
  • Good for both Texas and Louisiana film bookings and national submissions

WEBSITE PRESENCE: It’s like Facebook  – You enter your own photos, video, and data.

Create your profile and update it yourself any time and any place: resume, unlimited photos, video, and audio.

$100 initial signup for the website upgrade. $30 yearly renewal. If you are short of cash, email us at and we will work with you and deduct payment from next job.

The Important thing is to market yourself on the website at the Premium Level!!